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Friday, April 24, 2015

The Forger

Rating: 2.5/5

John Travolta is out of jail to live with his ill son before it's too late, but for every favor there is a debt. Cartels don't do favors for free, we've experienced that in a lot of movies. So Travolta has a task of stealing a very important and old painting of Monet to pay his debt. His old man and his son wants to help him do it, so in order to avoid spoiling the movie for you i'm gonna stop here. 
It's actually one of the "that's not bad" movies, not a great one but satisfying enough. Travolta actually, if you avoid looking at the annoying goatee, plays the role neatly and without a glitch, he's the right man for this job. The forger might not be a blockbuster of a movie or a nail bitter thriller, but it will interest you for an hour and a half. 

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